Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Electrical Projects
Provide BC Hydro Power Smart LED Lighting Upgrades:
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Pacific Biological Station, CCG – Seal Cove, Big & Little Qualicum Hatchery, Nitinat River Hatchery, Robertson Creek Hatchery, Rosewall Creek Hatchery, Puntledge River Hatchery, Conuma River Hatchery.
Provide Solar PV and Battery Storage Systems: Spius Creek Hatchery, Merritt B.C. and Genesse Field Camp Hatchery, Rivers Inlet, B.C.
Provide Main Electrical Service Upgrades, Emergency Backup Generator System and Site Infrastructure: Spius Creek Hatchery, Merritt B.C.
Habour Ship to Shore Power Systems: Ocean Falls, Zeballos Harbour, Comox Valley Harbour, Discovery Harbour, Port McNeill Habour, Alert Bay Habour, Sointula Habour.
Complete 2014 to 2017
Gary Webster
5404 Is. Hwy. N., Courtenay, B.C. V9J 1S9
Tel: 250-338-1686 Fax: 250-338-1630
Cell: 250-207-0474
Email: info@websterelectric.ca